The Lisbon Treaty vote is probably the first start of some confidence building in the country and the economy. As some international media said, Ireland felt it did not need Europe last time but now it is like an international lifeboat.
The European Central Bank is funding the NAMA solution and the government deficit so that the government can pay the public sector salaries, health and social services. A no vote could have created another unwelcome crisis.
Logic prevailed despite the great amount of mis-information. The electorate nationally and locally are to be complimented on their foresight and seeing how valuable Europe is to Ireland. It should make Ireland a more welcoming place for investors.
Congratulations to the opposition parties of Fine Gael and Labour on not using the referendum as a means of bashing the government. They remained focused and kept to the main issue. Last time out they were quiet and we saw the result. The ‘No’ side did not do themselves any good by many of the misleading posters they put up. People’s photos were put up without permission, many red herrings were introduced, from weaponry to conscription, minimum wage and religion. Fortunately, the public is not stupid and saw the benefit of Europe.
It was good to see some young people take responsibility and get involved as they want a future in Ireland and do not have a death wish. At times the negativity and death wish approach of some Irish people today is rather sad.
The need to re build national morale is necessary as part of a recovery process.
However, this may be some way off with the threats of industrial action in the public service. Would it not be better to have a national partnership for recovery rather than work stoppages causing harm to all concerned.
The Government has many obstacles to face in the coming months, the most immediate being the latest negotiations with the Green Party. Even if they do not get initial agreement, further consultations are likely. The gloom and doom in Ireland has not lifted yet and here in Waterford industrial closures have added to the pessimism in the area.
The ‘Yes’ vote in Waterford, while not as strong as Dublin or Leinster, suggests that people do see a future for Ireland in Europe. Hopefully, this will lead to some improvement in confidence from the deep lows that currently prevail among many in the country. A lack of leadership in Government is not helping morale, more needs to be done to assist in raising the national spirit.
Continuous debate on the costs of Government are not assisting the State in getting credibility. Lowering expense costs and getting a reality check are needed badly in Government as the debate on Fas suggests. But, in the meantime, the success of the Lisbon vote should not be forgotten.