Over in the UK a new government led by the Conservative party combined with The Liberal Democrats, sees the first Coalition since the Second World War.
The international economic crisis dictated that there could not be a long delay in forming Government, so even before a vote in Parliament a government had been formed, with the Labour Prime Minister Gordon Brown resigning. This is different to Ireland, where a Dail vote elected a Taoiseach.
Over borrowing by Labour there means an emergency budget, just like we had two years ago, after Bertie Ahern.
The UK jobs market has been better than Ireland in the past few years and was an outlet for emigrants from Waterford and the south to some extent, now this will be less attractive.
The North of Ireland is likely to face a public spending squeeze, where 70 per cent of the local economy is based on public spending.
Will that provoke public unrest will be watched and there maybe a tendency not to hit the front line services too much? Extremists there will be looking to test the new government, despite having Sinn Fein and the DUP together in the Assembly.
Funding on community projects and local integration could be hit.
Weak Euro
Here in the south of Ireland we have seen some benefits from the weak euro with exports rising.
Figures from Irish and Waterford ports shows exports rising and may lead to some new jobs.
Food products are selling better as exporters benefit from the weak euro and sell more.
A stronger sterling and a weaker euro will help Ireland and this region which is so close to England.
More English tourists worried by the ash clouds and air transport may choose the ferries and with a weaker euro, we can benefit.
Will the new by pass drive them beyond Waterford and onto Cork as they arrive by ferry is an unknown.
Political change can some times be good, the new UK Prime Minister, David Cameron does look more energetic compared to the older Labour Leader, Gordon Brown.
Will it revitalise the country, after 13 years of labour, the cutbacks will hurt for a while, as they sort out public finances.
Here in Ireland, we have had two years of Brian Cowen and already we seem tired of him.
Would a change at the top help recovery here, boost confidence and later jobs?
Are the topics that important? We are still in a crisis as an RTE TV investigation programme showed last week, research jobs for the future is not the full answer, as the Government preaches.
Making products again rather than importing them, getting more visitors to Ireland, will bring jobs.
Only so many people are suited to work in technology and high tech jobs.
The re-opening of Waterford Crystal is the way forward with a major export and tourism element.
While we look at the UK for some new answers, more vision and positivity is needed here to solve the jobs crisis of the future.
In the meantime, the new UK Government will also be looking at how to create work in the new difficult world and also seek to control public finances.
Will they cut as bad as Ireland and have pay cuts? What will the reaction be and how will Ireland be affected.
We shall be watching with interest, a growing UK in the medium term is good for Ireland.