A rare photograph of Big Foot and his girlfriend taken by a hill walker who stumbled upon the pair in the Comeragh Mountains in 2007.

A rare photograph of Big Foot and his girlfriend taken by a hill walker who stumbled upon the pair in the Comeragh Mountains in 2007.

Some scientists seem to have nothing better to do than stamp on the dreams of people who, like generations before them, believe that creatures like the Abominable Snowman and Big Foot really do exist.

The latest proclamation comes from a shower of killjoys at Oxford University who have concluded after a three year study that Big Foot never existed and what witnesses really saw were large animals as diverse as bears, gorillas and, maybe, very tall human beings living as hermits.

Mind you, they have included a get-out clause in their academic paper that covers their backs should Big Foot, like dear old Katie Daly, decide one day to ‘come down the mountain’.

“The fact that none of the samples we tested turned out not to be Bigfoot doesn’t mean the next one won’t,” said Professor Bryan Sykes who led the study.

The next thing they’ll be telling us is that the Beast of Listrolin doesn’t exist either. Incidentally, that elusive cat has been making itself very scarce of late. Let’s hope he/she is just like Elvis and taking a little break. “Here, puss, puss, puss, come out wherever you are!”