It is my sad duty this week to announce that it is highly unlikely that we will have a Waterford-based candidate in the Presidential Election.
As all the various candidates poured forth, I asked a friend, a well-known citizen whom we shall call ‘Deise Dandy’, would he be interested in seeking a nomination but his polite reply was in the negative.It’s a pity really because he is a very nice man with what his female friends consider to be a ‘lovely smile’.
He knows how to tie his own shoelaces, his hygiene is beyond reproach (he has a bath twice year whether he needs it or not) and he has a good head of hair. When it blows in the wind he looks very distinguished which would be good for inspecting troops on trips to foreign, windy places.He can talk the hind legs off a donkey for hours on end without anybody being offended or knowing what he is really on about. When I asked him did he have any ideas about improving the office of President, he just grinned and said it was ‘grand’ as it was. Mind you, he has always had this mad idea that an Irish President should always be asked to sing at important functions and, when you think about it, why not?
He really is ideal and I bet the voters would like him in a big way but, alas, the Aras is not for our ‘Deise Dandy’. Michael D can sleep easy.