15KieranColumnTaking to the road is undoubtedly the most dangerous thing we do every day. The tragic death of Alice Strain on the N25 just outside Kilmeaden last week unfortunately further highlighted this fact. The 45-year-old teacher was due to marry her fiancé Pat Crowley, a well-known photographer based in Dungarvan, later this year.
The incident shows just how quickly future, plans, hopes and ambitions can be so cruelly ended. There was a time, not so long ago, when every week seemed to bring with it news of horrific car crashes. There’s probably not enough recognition given to the fact that the number of road deaths has actually halved since 2007 which really is a remarkable achievement.
However, this is of little consolation to the grieving family members and friends of Alice Strain and others who have sadly lost their lives on our roads.
One road fatality is clearly one too many.