A few weeks ago I raised the issue again of the ‘blind-spot’ at the very busy service station at Tesco Ardkeen, again hoping for a positive response. Here’s a quick summary of the issues raised:

“However, given the location and configuration of the layout near the service station’s entrances/exit poses a potential traffic hazard. In fact there are two distinct situations worthy of study in this regard.

Firstly, on approaching the car park entrance itself, one is presented with two options, left or right. The majority of drivers turn left but others go right (though few of these indicate!). These latter right-turning drivers are heading either for the Home Base side of things or the petrol station itself. But those drivers who are turning right here into the petrol station are presented with something of a ‘blind spot’ created by the shrubbery at the left bend of this crucial corner. ” Though I raised this issue previously calling for the hazardous layout described above to be studied and remedied but no obvious remediation work was undertaken. Indeed, the ‘offending’ mass of shrubbery at this blind-spot has grown even taller and thicker. So please Mr Tesco – let the dog see the rabbit!”

Well this time there was a great reaction to the piece and glad to say a speedy resolution.

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