This week we turn to what is always a popular item in the column when we bring you the story of some of Waterford’s highways and byways. Our trusty guide in these matters is as ever courtesy of that wonderful book Waterford Streets Past and Present by Daniel Dowling. This time we take a stroll along Daisy Terrace and Alphonsus Road, lovely areas on different parts of the city both dating from the Victorian area Indeed. I bring them together in this column as they were in fact established by the same developer Thomas J. Farrell. A Waterford born gentleman but was a resident of London at this time. Indeed, he was later to become MP for South Kerry, a seat he won in the general election of 1894, in the McCarthyite interest. In the same election he contested Waterford in the same interest, against the Nationalist candidate John Redmond, but was unsuccessful.

Daisy Terrace

It’s located on a fine elevated site off the west side of Summerhill, on ground formerly known as Milward’s Field. This name derived from the Waterford merchant family of Milward, who owned property here, and who established in about 1820 the bacon curing business lower down the street which was later to become Summerhill Bacon Factory of Francis E. Barnes. Daisy Terrace dates from 1890 when building commenced. It consists of eleven two storey houses facing eastwards and overlooking the street (Summerhill). It is situated in the townland of Gibbet Hill,a popular place for’ hanging about’ in days of yore. It stood in the parish of Trinity Without. The terrace is named after the daughter of its developer, T.J. Farrell, Daisy Brady.

So now you know. So let’s cross town and head up Newtown way to another street with lots of character and history.

St Alphonsus Road

This street is a well known and pleasant sub-urban city street in the Newtown area, often referred to by some as Alaphonsus Road ( with that extra letter  A for flavour! It’s a street of old neighbours and new, some of the former going back in their association with the area for generations now.  I’ve had a number of queries as to its history as I had in respect of Daisy Terrace above. Many know it is situated between John’s Hill and Wilkin Street, it extends from Lower Newtown to the Passage Road.  It was laid out and built in the period 1897-8, by the same gentleman, Thomas G. Farrell. Who was elected as I said previously to the Westminister Parliament in 1894 as an anti Parnellite candidate.  I would love to find out some more, maybe there are descendents cousins out there among my readers. I’m not sure for the reason for the name but I discovered that the building period would have coincided with the tricenteneray of St Alphonsus an Italian scholarly saint from near Naples who initially had trained and practised as a lawyer but who later followed a religious life founding an Order of the Redeemer.

It is interesting to note that hoo-ha’s and raised eyebrows over building projects are nothing new as I read that some difficulties would appear to have arisen as to the completion of this new street in accordance with the bye laws, which matter was discussed by the Corporation in 1900.  In June 1905 the fifty two houses and a plot of building ground were offered for sale by public auction.  The townland ,of course, is Newtown and the parish of St John’s Without. The nearby convent of St John of God was established in November 1893.  In 1897 they commenced teaching in a small school  in St Alphonsus road ( maybe it was they who suggested the name).  Their fine school today embraces the school built in 1900, the additional classrooms, converted from the two adjoining houses in Hollywood Gardens purchased by the order in 1932 and 1937.  The new block of the school with all its modern facilities of its day opened on 14th October 1964.

Music, Song and Dance

The above was all about looking to history. However, next week we take a good look at a great local guy and his talented team building for the future – a musical future as well as being full of creative fun for all ages. It makes for a pleasant change to have a good news story and all happening just out the road from us here in Brasscockland. Check this space next week to learn all about the wonderful work been done by this exciting academy of music, song and dance, and so much more.

Some Witty Food Bytes

All agree that the Waterford Festival of food was a yummy success leaving everyone looking for more.

Meanwhile, we leave you this week with some tasty funny bits.

* The trouble with eating Italian food is that five or six days later you’re hungry again.

* Ask your child what he wants for dinner only if he’s buying.

* The food in that restaurant is terrible. And such small portions.

* Age does not diminish the extreme disappointment of having a scoop of ice cream fall from the cone.

* A nutrient is a chemical added to a breakfast cereal to allow it to be sold as a food.

“ They obviously haven’t tried a good Waterford Breakfast Blaa!”

Go Seachtain Eile, Slán