Conor Faughnan: “The most a red light will ever delay you for is a couple of minutes. It is simply not worth it.”

Conor Faughnan: “The most a red light will ever delay you for is a couple of minutes. It is simply not worth it.”

AA Director of Policy Conor Faughnan has called on motorists to adhere to traffic light signalling in the interests of public safety given the alarming findings of a survey this newspaper conducted last week.
His comments were made in reaction to a Munster Express survey (on March 2nd) which, were a Garda standing at our Clock Tower vantage point, would have led to the issuing of 433 penalty points.
The offence most notably identified? Breaking a red light, a transgression all the more worrying given that the location in question is the busiest pedestrian crossing in the city and therefore one of the busiest in the region.
In just 30 minutes on Wednesday last, a