New traffic changes as portrayed by

New traffic changes as portrayed by

LOCAL councillors have claimed they were left in the dark over the gravity of proposed traffic changes for Waterford City as part of the Urban Renewal Scheme.
While anger continues to mount amongst city residents and businesses over proposed traffic changes, a number of city based councillors have also expressed their unhappiness.
At the July Metropolitan meeting of Waterford City & County Council, a number of councillors criticised the manner in which information relating to the Urban Renewal Scheme was revealed.
Cllr Eddie Mulligan (FF) said it was unacceptable that information was being circulated without councillors being fully aware of the plans.
Cllr Mary Roche (Ind) said it was a very serious issue as many businesses and livelihoods could be affected as a result of the plans.
She said she was concerned that urban renewal plans and significant road changes were included in the same process.
“There is an increasing amount of concern over traffic changes,” she said.
“I’m asking that the executive give this serious consideration.”
She said the council was setting itself up for a “big fall”.
Cllr Roche also claimed it was difficult to find information relating to the Part 8 planning process on the Waterford City & County Council website.
Cllr Cha O’Neill (Ind) said people who were likely to be affected by changes should have been consulted before the proposals were published.
He called on the council to “get its act together”.
Public meetings on the proposed Urban Renewal Scheme were held in Waterford City last week, with council representatives on hand to answer queries from concerned residents and business owners.
Waterford City & County Council has stressed that the plans are not “set in stone” and that input from the public is welcomed.
The project is set to be completed in three phases with an overall expected finishing date in 2018.
Members of the public have until August 11th at 4pm to make submissions or observations.