Leona Basquill of Ballybeg CDP's Key Project.			| Photo: Noel Browne

Leona Basquill of Ballybeg CDP's Key Project. | Photo: Noel Browne

The Ballybeg Community Development Project (CDP) is continuing its fight to secure funding which will help it to keep its doors open for 2017 and beyond.
Speaking to this newspaper, Leona Basquill (the CDP’s Key Project Co-Ordinator) said that CDP representatives will attend a seminar in Limerick on Wednesday next, November 23rd, in relation to a funding application it has made via the Department of Social Protection’s Community Services Programme.
This programme, which is managed by non-for-profit company Pobal, supports community businesses to provide local services and create employment opportunities for disadvantaged people.
According to the Department of Social Protection, the programme “focuses on communities where public and private sector services are lacking, either through geographical or social isolation or because demand levels are not sufficient. The Programme also enables the benefit of other public investment to be realised (as in the case of investment in community centres and resources).”
Leona Basquill added: “We’re hopeful that we’ll be in position to further this particular application to the Department in the New Year, and that next week in Limerick will take us a little further down the road…We realise we have a lot of work to do on a few other fronts when it comes to securing the CDP’s future, but it’s work we remain fully committed to.”