BagCannabisOne hundred and fifty kilos of herbal cannabis, with an estimated street value of €1.8 million, was seized by Waterford Gardaí in the city centre on Tuesday week last.
A man in his 50s was questioned at Waterford Garda Station in connection with the seizure under Section 2 of the Criminal Justice (Drug Trafficking Act) 1996 but was released without charge last Thursday. A file on the case has been sent to the Director of Public Prosecutions.
The seizure was made after a van was stopped in the city centre; a vehicle which Gardaí believe entered the country via a ferry from the continent.
Customs officials and Gardaí had successfully tracked those in possession of the drugs before making the seizure, according to Fine Gael Senator Paudie Coffey.
“This well-organised operation proves that as long as our law enforcement agencies have adequate intelligence about criminal activity, we can fight back against the menace of drugs,” he said.
Senator Coffey had previously suggested that Waterford was a prime target for drug smugglers following successful Garda/Customs seizures on the Cork and Dublin coasts in recent years.
“We all know the danger of drugs to local communities as they make life a hell on earth for those forced to live with the damage,” he continued.
“However, communities can fight back by supplying information, through confidential phone lines, to the authorities.
“Customs and Gardaí can even use what seems like the most insignificant piece of information to identify local drug dealers and build a larger picture of major criminal activity in an area.”
Congratulating all involved in the successful operation, Senator Coffey said there was an onus on the people of Waterford to play their part in protecting local communities “against the menace of drugs”.
“We can all play our part to make sure this isn’t the last time the drug thugs are told to keep clear of Waterford.”
* The Garda confidential number is 1800-666-111 while the Customs line is 1800-29-52-95.