Management at a certain company discovered that they had a lot of equipment and materials that were too valuable to discard but were in the way as they were only required occasionally.
So, following a meeting, they decided to set up a separate supply facility in an unused premises they already owned in the suburbs.
Everything went as planned but, when the project was completed, it was felt that the premises might be vulnerable to burglars so it was decided to hire a night watchman on the minimum wage.
The watchman was duly appointed but then it was decided that, realistically speaking, the watchman needed supervision so a small department was set up involving two people, one to give instructions and the other to monitor time and motion.
But then another section of management wondered how they were going to know if the instructions being given were correct and if the watchman was carrying them out correctly. So they created a Quality Control Department involving two people to keep an eye on things.
Everything seemed to be going well until a problem arose about payments to the watchman, supervisors and quality controllers. The answer was to hire a book-keeper and a payroll officer.
By then there were seven employees involved and, under the rules, they were required to be overseen by an administrative officer who would need an assistant and a secretary/telephone receptionist.
Once all that was done, the new supply depot was up and running and everything went swimmingly until the end of year when accounts showed the project was over budget by €22,000.
A meeting was called and it was decided the best option to make the saving was by laying off the watchman!