MunsterExpress20June2014 The new corporate logo for Waterford City and County Council was unveiled to councillors at a meeting last week.

The logo (pictured) will be phased into use on the local authority’s headed paper, protective clothing, vehicles and online, features a dark blue ‘W’ beneath a lighter blue triangle.

Ciaran Farrell, from ican advertising and branding agency, a company which has previously worked for the City Council on the Tall Ships visit in 2011, won the contract under a public procurement process.

Farrell explained that the blue was intended to represent the city’s maritime tradition, with the ‘W’ shaped to represent sails on a ship.

Council chairman Michael Walsh described the new logo as ‘clear and simple’ and said it would give the local authority a ‘starting point’ in presenting a unified image of the newly amalgamated City and County Council.

Michelle Clancy reports “Historically, there would have been two of everything, in that both the city and county had a logo each.

We have a job of work to do to provide a unified image of the new Council.

Mr Walsh said the move towards using the new logo would be a gradual transition on all of the affected elements. “We will not be spending any money on this, until the items in question are due for renewal.”

Chairman Mr Walsh noted that the final say on the logo was an executive rather than a reserved function but said he would like to have the Council’s support in ‘building a unified image’.

Fine Gael’s Cllr John Cummins said he did not like the new logo and queried what would happen to the city’s old coat of arms.

He also expressed concern that different logos being used for the new Council’s corporate, tourism and heritage assets would not be beneficial.

Mr Walsh said the new logo was strictly a corporate function, and the destination/tourism brands would be a separate piece.

Independents Eddie Mulligan and Joe Kelly both indicated that they had trouble recognising the sail influence in the overall design, as presented by ican.