Kids ran the show at Garter Lane Arts Centre for one of Ireland’s first ‘Takeover Day’ events last Wednesday. Pupils from Christ Church National School in Waterford City were invited to have their say about the artworks on display in Garter Lane Arts Centre by becoming tour guides and art critics for the day.
Takeover Day is an initiative by Kids in Museums, a UK-based independent charity, which encourages children and young people to engage with museums, galleries and arts venues by inviting them to ‘take over’ different roles involved in the running of culture and heritage venues. Almost 5000 children and young people took part in Takeover Days across the UK in 2015. This year, Garter Lane Arts Centre joined the initiative alongside Galway City Museum as the first Irish venues to participate.
In preparation for their Takeover Day, 5th & 6th class pupils of Christ Church National School hosted gallery staff in their classroom for an art appreciation workshop. The pupils then ‘too over’ the gallery, where they met artists and wrote their own unique exhibition guide for visitors. Their guide to Garter Lane Arts Centre’s current exhibitions of ‘New Works’ by the Waterford Art Group and the River Barn Artists can be enjoyed by visitors from Thursday 17th to Saturday 19th November, 11am- 5.30pm