Mayors James Tobin and Lola O'Sullivan presenting a cheque for €12,330 to Sarah Byrne and Mary M Ryan of Simon (South East). Also pictured are Mayoral Ball Committee members Alicia Maguire (Tower Hotel), Cllr Cha O'Neill, Paul Nolan (Dawn Meats) and Emma Smyth.

Mayors James Tobin and Lola O'Sullivan presenting a cheque for €12,330 to Sarah Byrne and Mary M Ryan of Simon (South East). Also pictured are Mayoral Ball Committee members Alicia Maguire (Tower Hotel), Cllr Cha O'Neill, Paul Nolan (Dawn Meats) and Emma Smyth.

Mayors James Tobin and
Lola O’Sullivan have spoken
of their pride in the success
achieved by this year’s Mayors’
Ball, having handed over
cheques for €12,330 to three
worthy charities.
The beneficiaries – Pieta
House (Waterford), Simon
(South East) and Down Syndrome
Ireland (Waterford/
South Kilkenny) each received
their cheques at the Mayor’s
Parlour, following the event,
which was held at the Tower
Hotel on April 25th.
“Thanks to the efforts of
Councillor Cha O’Neill and
Emma Smyth here in City
Hall, Lola and I couldn’t have
done what we did on the night,
which proved such a great
success and such a worthwhile
venture,” said Mayor Tobin,
“and I’d also like to thank
Paul Nolan who did such a
great auctioneering job on the
The Mayor added: “I think
the Mayors’ Ball is something
which ought to be retained
given the publicity it generates
for the nominated charities;
it’s not about those wearing
the chains or anything like
that whatsoever, and going
forward, now that the city
and county is a single entity,
I hope it can lead to wider
promotion of charities doing
such fantastic work throughout
Metropolitan Mayor
O’Sullivan echoed James
Tobin’s sentiments about “an
incredible night”. She added:
“I couldn’t believe the amount
of work that went into it,
and I’d also like to extent my
thanks to Cha, Emma and Paul
for all their efforts, and to the
staff and management of the
Tower Hotel who did such a
wonderful job on the night.
And I’d like to wish the three
charities every good wish in
their future endeavours.”
That just under €40,000
was raised clearly proves the
Mayors’ Ball merits its retention
and singles it out among
Waterford’s most noteworthy
annual social gatherings.
John Upton (Down Syndrome
Ireland), Regina
Mangan (Pieta House) and
both Mary Ryan and Sarah
Byrne (Simon) were on hand to
gratefully accept the cheques
on behalf of their respective
“To be handing over anything
over €10,000 in this day
and age to charity is something
everyone involved can be
proud of,” said Cllr O’Neill, a
member of the event’s organising
committee. “That we’ve
been able to do that for three
charities is great news, and
gives us the encouragement to
start thinking about next year’s
Ball already!”