A new Family Resource Centre is to be funded at Ballybeg, Minister of State John Halligan confirmed on Monday morning.
The initiative is to be operated by Ballybeg CDP (Community Development Project) and is one of 11 new Family Resource Centres announced this morning that will receive funding from the Department of Children and Youth Affairs.
Minister Halligan said he was delighted that the excellent frontline work which has been intrinsic to the Ballybeg community and Ballybeg CDP for so many years is being recognised.
“Ballybeg CDP is one of 11 groups which will receive extra support and services”, he said.
“The Centre will be supported due to additional funding provided to Tusla as part of Budget 2018. The Family Resource Centre will provide a variety of supports to local families, including family support work, counselling, education and training courses, and youth groups. A total of 47 applications from around the country were received and assessed and the success of the Ballybeg CDP application is in no small part down to the fantastic ongoing work of members of the staff and local community.