The nature park that Waterford City Council is currently developing in Kilbarry will be ‘the jewel in the crown for that part of the city’ according to Councillor Cha O’Neill.
Cllr O’Neill was speaking following a briefing Councillors received from Environmental Services Director Colette Byrne at Monday’s monthly meeting at City Hall.
Outlining the details of the Council’s draft Biodiversity Plan (2010-2014), Ms Byrne said an eight-week consultation period for submissions on the draft run until Friday, June 11th.
At the heart of this plan is the €4million nature park which will feature on either side of the Tramore Road, a route which is currently being upgraded.
The park, which is set to open in the spring of next year, will encompass the former landfill site at Kilbarry while including a section of John’s River on the opposite side of the road. Contractors are expected to be on site before the end of this month.
With the footpath being extended along the Tramore Road all the way to the Ballindud Roundabout, a pedestrian crossing linking both sides of the park shall provide for safe access to either section.
Signage is also to be erected in the area to “indicate the area’s significance from a biodiversity perspective” according to Ms Byrne.
The Council’s commitment to enhancing the beauty of the city by natural means couldn’t be doubted, Ms Byrne added.
See The Munster Express newspaper for full story.