Independent TD John Halligan claimed €195,974.

Independent TD John Halligan claimed €195,974.

A COMBINBED amount in excess of €700,000 has been claimed by Waterford’s TDs since 2011.
According to figures published in the Irish Independent last weekend, Independent TD John Halligan claimed the highest expenses of Waterford’s four TDs at €195,974.
The report showed that Labour’s Ciara Conway claimed €183,086; Fine Gael’s John Deasy claimed €178,510; while fellow Fine Gael TD and Junior Minister Paudie Coffey claimed €164,937.
The money was paid out to TDs on top of their €87,258-a-year basic salaries.
Nationally, an average of €147,000 was claimed by TDs.
In total, €24.4 million has been claimed by the country’s TDs since March 2011 to cover costs including travel, accommodation and costs incurred by any additional responsibilities undertaken.
Under the expenses and allowances system, TDs can chose not to receive payments but only one TD has so far chosen to do so – Labour’s Eamon Maloney in Dublin South West.