In what they will doubtless consider to have been a good night’s work, vandals have cost the city’s ratepayers a minimum of €10,000 and deprived little children of the use of a playground for at least a fortnight.

They struck at The People’s Park on Tuesday night, uprooting very expensive tiles in the main playground. “It took a major effort to shift the tiles”, confirmed a City Hall spokesperson who also reported that glass was left strewn all over the general area.

The matter was reported early on Wednesday to the gardai but prospects of the culprits being caught and prosecuted are considered slim.

The spokesperson said that all the playground equipment had to be dismantled and the remaining tiles taken up so that they can be replaced with a wet-pour surface which will be secure against the worst efforts of those with nothing better to do than tear asunder that which decent people have put together.

The playground is closed for at least a fortnight while the repair work is carried out.

It is less than a year since refurbishment of the park, at a cost of more than €2 million, was completed by the City Council.