A demonstration organised by the Right2Water campaign is to take place in Waterford this Saturday, as part of a national protest against water charges.
Activists from across the city and county including Dungarvan, Portlaw and Tramore, representing trade unions, community groups and political parties will be involved in the local march.
“Right2Water from the beginning of this campaign said that we would endeavour to make water the number one issue in the run up to the general election and these events will go some way to making sure that is the case,” commented Waterford Right2Water spokesperson Tom Hogan.
“We’ve won the argument and the hundreds of thousands of people who have attended the Right2Water demonstrations have made their voices clear, they want water charges abolished, and our water services kept in public ownership.”
Mr Hogan added: “Right2Water is calling on every community group, political party member and every trade unionist across the City and County to get involved and mobilise for Saturday 23rd January…
“Change will only happen if we demand it. The charges are regressive and unfair and will disproportionately target the least well off in our society. What we’ve been pointing out all along is that there is a better, fairer way to pay for water, and that’s through general taxation.”
People are asked to assemble at The Glen at 2pm on Saturday and the march will proceed along the Quay, onto Barronstrand Street, down Michael Street, John Street, Parnell Street and down to the Bishops Palace on the Mall, where the protestors will be addressed by a number of speakers.