At the Waterford fundraising launch of Self Help Africa (SHA) in City Hall were, county hurling stars, Ken McGrath and Kevin Moran, former Gda Chief Supt., Sean O’Halloran, co-ordinator, SHA, deputy Mayor, Mary O’Halloran and Tom Corcoran, national chairman, SHA.  | photo: Eoin Murphy.

At the Waterford fundraising launch of Self Help Africa (SHA) in City Hall were, county hurling stars, Ken McGrath and Kevin Moran, former Gda Chief Supt., Sean O’Halloran, co-ordinator, SHA, deputy Mayor, Mary O’Halloran and Tom Corcoran, national chairman, SHA. | photo: Eoin Murphy.

A national fundraising drive in aid of Self Help Africa was launched locally in Waterford City Hall last Friday.

Highlight of the campaign is on November 14, which has been designated National Sandwich Day. The charity is appealing to people – individuals, work groups, clubs, school classes, etc – to organise sandwich making and selling events, for which Pat the Baker has agreed to sponsor the bread.

The fundraising effort continues through that month and beyond and of course donations will be gratefully accepted from any person, group or organisation.

Self Help Africa, which originated from the devastating famine in Ethiopa in 1984, is an international development agency working at grassroots level to tackle poverty and improve the lives of people in rural Africa. Operating in nine African countries with a combined population of 225 million, its primary focus is in assisting families and communities to grow enough food to feed themselves and to earn a sustainable living.

Spiralling food prices, combined with climate change and rapid population growth, means up to 100 million of that number are at risk of becoming victims of extreme poverty; their average life expectancy is in the low to mid fifties.

The fundraising campaign was launched by Deputy Mayor Mary O’Halloran, with SHA Chairman Tom Corcoran and Waterford Co-Ordinator Sean O’Halloran in attendance, along with hurlers Ken McGrath and Kevin Moran who are lending their support.

Those interested may contact Mr O’Halloran at 087-9050055, or alternatively telephone low-call 1850-757678, or e mail

Donations can be lodged directly into the Self Help Africa account in any Bank of Ireland branch. The account number is 76828672, Sort Code 90-66-70. The charity would like the source to be identified in order to facilitate acknowledgement.