The possibility that former Waterford Crystal workers could have what redundancy lump sums they got hit with a hefty PRSI levy is to be personally appealed by the Tánaiste.

The Receiver distributed €10million among more than 800 ‘glass’ employees who lost their jobs with the collapse of ‘The Glass’ earlier this year.

In the Dáil yesterday (Thurs) local Fine Gael TD John Deasy once again raised the issue, having first brought it to the attention of the house last week.

He was subsequently contacted by several Deputies, including Deputies Bobby Aylward and Brendan Kenneally (FF) and Labour’s Brian O’Shea, and held direct discussions with Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment Mary Coughlan, who had given an undertaking during Tuesday’s session to personally examine the matter.

“Everyone will appreciate that she has followed through on her commitment. It is worth remembering that we are dealing with people who have lost the entire value of their pensions as well as their jobs,” Mr Deasy said.

Mary Coughlan: talks.

Mary Coughlan: talks.

On Wednesday night he received a response to his parliamentary question to the Department of Finance, “which clearly considers the payment as income rather than a redundancy payment.”

See The Munster Express newspaper for full story.