N16S1PicThank you to all the readers who got in touch last week, some to compliment others to give out, about the ‘Widow’s Curse’ item. Some of your comments and stories were very interesting indeed.
Before I leave the subject of the so-called paranormal, I must mention two news items that appeared in the highly respected Anglo Celt and Clare Champion newspapers last week.
The Anglo Celt claims its office is being haunted by a lovesick ghost who has been seen by two staff members.
Assistant editor, Damian McCarney, says he saw the ghost late at night when he was working alone in his office.
His colleague’s view of the ghost came on a different occasion. So convinced are they of the ghostly presence that the newspaper staff got in touch with a psychic medium.
It turns out that the corridor of large, granite flagstones, linking the newspaper’s front office to the editorial department, is actually the original platform of Cavan Town’s old railway station.
After spending some time in the office, the medium announced to the staff that she had made contact with the ghost.
According to her, he is a benign spirit who keeps returning to the railway platform in search of his lost love who failed to keep a date with him in 1940.
Perhaps he is related to the ghost in our own Theatre Royal who keeps returning to the front row of the dress circle for the same reason!
Meanwhile, under a heading that said ‘Beware the haunted side of Clare’, the Champion has strongly advised people to avoid Carrigaholt Castle at all costs.
Apparently, a room in the five-storey, 15th century castle on the Loop Head Peninsula has remained sealed since the 1920s. It has not been tampered with since an exorcist was found dead the morning after attempting to enter the chamber.
A local ghost hunter told the newspaper she knew most of the paranormal activists in this country and none of them would go anywhere near the castle. Cripes!
PS: There are more than a few stories about ghosts who are said to haunt The Munster Express offices on The Quay but that’s for another day!