Waterford’s Miss World representative Emma Britt Waldron.

Waterford’s Miss World representative Emma Britt Waldron.

Miss Ireland Emma Britt Waldron finished in the top five at the Miss World competition in China last weekend.
The contest, held at the Sanya Island resort, was watched by an audience of over one billion.
Hailing from Celbridge, County Kildare, Emma was chosen by talent scouts to represent Waterford’s Harvey’s bar in the Miss Ireland competition, which she won on September 18th.
Entering Saturday night as one of the overall favourites, twenty-one year old Emma faced stiff competition from 24 finalists.
After being short listed to the top five, she was declared the fourth placed contestant.
The eventual winner was eighteen-year old Miss USA Alexandria Mills, with Miss Botswana second and Miss Venezuela third.
Emma, who is a student of St Patrick’s College, Drumcondra, had spent the past few weeks in China preparing for the event, taking part in preliminary rounds and promotional events.
She had ensured her place in Saturday’s final, as her skilful violin playing earned her the Miss World title in the talent section.
Although viewing figures for the world’s longest running beauty pageant have declined somewhat in Western Europe and the USA in recent times, Miss World is still hugely popular in Asia and South America.
The only Irish winner of the competition was Rosanna Davison, who captured the title in 2003.