Minister for Social & Family Affairs, Martin Cullen TD, unveiling a plaque to officially open the restored Tramore Community Care accompanied by Cecil Tiernan, president and Arthur Bardon, chairman.

Minister for Social & Family Affairs, Martin Cullen TD, unveiling a plaque to officially open the restored Tramore Community Care accompanied by Cecil Tiernan, president and Arthur Bardon, chairman.

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The Tramore Community Care building was re-opened on Pond Road last Friday by Minister for Social and Family Affairs Martin Cullen.

The Department of the Environment, HSE and Pobal gave grants for the major refurbishment with funds of €250,000.

Tom O’Brien was the building contractor and the building has been considerably enhanced by the work, new kitchens were put in to assist Meals on Wheels. Anne Harpur and Chris Chapman did the architectural and engineering work, keeping the business local.

Tramore Community Care was established in 1973 and moved to Pond Road in 1978 from Windsor House. The building was damaged by fire in 2001, in an arson attack and the latest upgrade of work started in the autumn and was completed last month.

Larger accommodation for the various voluntary groups that meet there, such as the Arch Club, toddler group, Active Retirement Group, AA and Al Anon, religious and prayer groups, residents associations and immigrant groups will all benefit in a centre that is used seven days a week at times.

The accommodation is made up of a ground floor, consisting of main hall, kitchen and basement area for games rooms, 3 meeting rooms and storage, the upper area has been floored for future use as the need arises.

One of the main activities is meals on wheels which has expanded in recent years as the town of Tramore has done, 70 to 90 meals are supplied daily.

During the refurbishment work, the directors of Tramore Racecourse kindly stepped into the breach and allowed their kitchens to be used and Sue Phelan is thanked sincerely for her assistance.

Tramore Bridge Club also helped a number of senior citizens groups for space.

Monsignor Olden and the Very Rev. Lester blessed the building after the various speeches and Tramore Amusement and Leisure Ltd., through Frank King, sponsored the splendid snacks after the well attended ceremony last Friday afternoon.

Tramore Gardai were thanked for their helpful surveillance during the construction period. The Mayor of Tramore, Cllr. Joe Conway, was also acknowledged, as was the County Council for offering a very long lease on the property.

Arthur Barden, Chairman of Tramore Community Care, especially thanked Minister Cullen for his financial support.