KeyesSide Within the past 10 days, I’ve visited three stunning features unique to the south  east, the region I was born in, the region I now work, rest and play in, the region  I’m naturally most enamoured by.
On Friday last, at the kind invitation of Hook Heritage, this column, in the  company of 50 or so others, revelled in the abundantly talented company of Maria  Doyle Kennedy and her husband Kieran at the Hook Lighthouse.
With two of their four sons Salvador and Daniel also in attendance, it felt like we  were in the Kennedy’s sitting room, as they regaled their audience with song and  story.
It was a quintessentially Irish evening, the sort of event we stage very well, “in one of our favourite places in the world,” added Maria Doyle Kennedy. It’s one of mine too.
I’ve probably bored my nearest and dearest to tears with talk of the Hook and its splendid Lighthouse, the oldest such operational facility on the planet.
But do you know what? I intend to keep on boring them such is my love for this sliver of land on the eastern flank of the Waterford Estuary. If you’ve not yet been, you are in for a treat, a location and landmark that offers something in all weathers; whales and dolphins have even been attracted in its direction in recent years!