Bohemians 1 Piltown 5

There was confusion in Ben Wadding Park on Saturday night last prior to the kick-off. A torrential downpour between 6pm and 6.30pm caused problems and the match official Tony Dunphy and his assistants Gary Fitzgerald and Gavin Keyes appeared to call the game off. However when the rain relented they decided to play the game. At this stage some people had left the ground, but thankfully the news came through quickly  that the game had got the go ahead and no doubt Piltown are very happy that it did take place.
They went into the game rock bottom on five points, three adrift of Johnville and with just one solitary League win to their name all season. When they fell behind after 29 minutes it looked as if they would return home pointless once again but they fought back manfully and they went to turn in their best display since they gained promotion to the Premier League last season.