Sinn Féin TD for Waterford Deputy David Cullinane has said 2020 must be the year of delivery for Waterford. Deputy Cullinane said progress was made on some key issues for Waterford this year but much more needs to be done next year to get key projects over the line.
Deputy Cullinane said the North Quays Development, completion of the Cath Lab and Mortuary, the runway extension at the Airport, progression on the Technological University and provision of more public and affordable housing are all key to realising Waterford’s potential.
d cullinane
Speaking as the Dáil went into recess, Deputy Cullinane said:
“2019 was a year that saw progress on some key issues for Waterford. The North Quays Development has reached a milestone with a planning application lodged, funding was secured for a second Cath Lab and a new mortuary, Waterford retained its Garda Headquarters and a commitment was given to fund a runway extension at the Airport.
“Waterford’s Oireachtas members have worked collaboratively to help deliver for Waterford. We held over a dozen meetings with the HSE, hospital management, Government Departments and Ministers. We made the case for Waterford on key issues for the City, County and the region.
“However in other areas progress has been slow. The transition to a Technological University still lags behind other regions. The housing crisis continues with a lack of public and affordable housing a big challenge for the City and County. And University Hospital Waterford remains underfunded and without key infrastructure. “If Waterford is to realise it’s true potential it needs more investment and not less. The loss of €14.5m to the City and County Council budget was regrettable and entirely avoidable. It is another body blow to a city and county lagging behind Galway, Cork and Limerick in most social and economic performance indicators.
“We need now to move from progress to delivery. 2020 must be the year the second Cath Lab and Mortuary are finally delivered. It must be the year the Dunmore Wing at UHW is fully opened and operational. “We need to see a fully and decisive public funding model for the North Quays and work beginning on the runway extension at the Airport. Real progress needs to be made on the University as we are far behind other regions.
“I will continue to do what I can to help deliver for Waterford. In order for the region to grow and develop Waterford must be given the resources and funding to allow it become the engine for Regional growth. “The days of operating with one hand tied behind our backs must come to an end. 2019 was a year of promises and limited progress. 2020 must be the year of delivery.”