Notwithstanding my misgivings about female boxing, Katie Taylor’s latest world title success in Barbados, and the Irish girls’ displays at the Under-17 World Cup finals in the Caribbean, are certainly showing our fairer sex in an extraordinary light of late.

Which has me wondering what’s with all these male nominees for the Áras? Especially given how well the two Marys, Robinson and McAleese, have represented the country at home and abroad over the past two decades.

Ex-GAA President and current South MEP Seán Kelly is keen to accept a call from Fine Gael to go forward. He was “flattered beyond response when my name was first mentioned for Uachtarán na hÉireann. Now it’s getting serious and so am I,” he said, clearly past the unresponsive stage.

Michael D Higgins and Fergus Finlay are the other frontrunners for the office of First Citizen, presuming Fianna Fáil won’t have the neck (nor the money for all that make-up) to back Bertie Ahern.

According to the pre-compact ‘Sunday Tribune’, RTE presenter Miriam O’Callaghan is one of the top tips to be the next President. As the late Mick Lally might have put it, well Holy God.

If it was to remain a woman’s preserve might Sonia O’Sullivan not be a more deserving candidate for Head of State? Or champion of the Special Olympics Mary Davis? Not that they’d necessarily be interested. And, assuming age isn’t a barrier, if it was to be a male, why not the man for all seasons, Micheál? There’d be plenty of room to gallop that greyhound of his in the Phoenix Park.