TWO local Councillors have again warned of dangers at two busy N25 junctions – pleading with Waterford City & County Council officials to implement changes.
Carroll’s Cross and Downey’s Cross junctions came under scrutiny at the March Comeragh District meeting of Waterford City & County Council.
Cathaoirleach of the Comeragh District Cllr Liam Brazil (FG) warned, once again, that a fatality would occur at Downey’s Cross as a result of the area’s new road layout.
The junction, which is located just outside Lemybrien on the Dungarvan side, is “an accident waiting to happen” according to Cllr Brazil. He explained that he travels in the area twice to three times daily.
Senior Engineer Pat McCarthy said he was keeping the area under “constant review” with TII (Transport Infrastructure Ireland).
He said he would inform Cllr Brazil of any update and assured him that the junction was being “reviewed on a regular basis”.
“At the moment there is no plan to alter the delineation of Downey’s Cross but I will revert to you if that changes,” he said.

Concerned: Fine Gael Councillor and Comeragh District Chair Liam Brazil.

Concerned: Fine Gael Councillor and Comeragh District Chair Liam Brazil.

A less than impressed Cllr Brazil said he didn’t want to have to come into the council chamber and say “I told you so”.
“The N25 is a very busy road. There’s something savagely wrong if somebody turning left at Downey’s Cross must hold up all the traffic travelling on the N25 from Rosslare to Cork. It’s definitely an accident waiting to happen. I urge you to do something with this junction,” he said.
In response, Mr McCarthy reiterated that any changes to the junction would be subject to the prior approval of TII.
“There are numerous junctions on the national route and the law is that if somebody is turning left or right, the car behind is obliged to be cognisant and slow down. That is the law,” he said.
“I appreciate that there have been changes made at Downey’s Cross which drivers haven’t become accustomed to yet and I take your point that we need to keep it in constant review.”
Cllr Brazil said he hoped that steps would be taken as soon as possible.
“I have never seen anything like this before and I’m going to keep raising this,” he said.
Mr McCarthy again assured Cllr Brazil that he was keeping the area “under constant review”.
He said the reason for the changes at Downey’s Cross was “to bring about standardisation”, but acknowledged that “every junction is different”.
“Where we can have dedicated left or right turning lanes, they have been put in place. You can see that at various locations,” he said.
“The goal is to provide standardisation but I take your point and will raise it with TII who have the final decision in relation to the delineation of the national route.”
Meanwhile, Cllr John O’Leary (FF) sought an update on Carroll’s Cross junction which is located between Kilmacthomas and Kilmeaden.
He described the area as “hazardous”.
Cllr O’Leary, who has called for changes at the junction at previous meetings, said many people had contacted him with concerns.
“Particularly in the dark, people are finding it difficult to make the exit from the N25,” he said.
At previous meetings, Cllr O’Leary also called for a left turning lane for those travelling from the Waterford direction who are exiting towards Kill.
Mr McCarthy acknowledged that Cllr O’Leary had raised the Carroll’s Cross issue on a number of occasions.
He assured Cllr O’Leary that he had also been speaking with TII in relation to Carroll’s Cross.
Mr McCarthy said he had requested for improvement works to be carried out at the junction and would seek an update from TII.
He said Waterford City & County Council would be carrying out work at the junction during the current year as well.