Michelle Clancy reports
A car was stolen from The Quay last Thursday whilst its owner was in the nearby motor tax office for a short time. The car, a black Ford Focus with the registration number 00 D 2203, was taken between 2pm and 2.30pm.
A drill was stolen from a van parked at Slievekeale, last Thursday, while its owned worked nearby. The man was working with a Kango hammer on a footpath close to the van, between 12 noon and 1pm. When he returned to his vehicle, he discovered a Hilti drill in a red box was missing.
The owner of a house at Ashbrook Road, Riverview, Knockboy, returned home at 8.45pm last Thursday to discover that their sitting room window had been forced open.
The front door of a house at Ashbrook Crescent, St Herblain Park, was forced open between 8.30am and 9.30am last Thursday and car keys taken. The vehicle, a bronze Hyundai, was missing from the driveway. It was later discovered at Rockshire House, Rockshire Road, Ferrybank.
Two males were disturbed burgling an office on Catherine Street at around 7.30pm last Thursday. The two men were dressed in black clothing and one had a crow bar in his hand. They fled in the direction of the People’s Park.
A house at Grange Lawn was gone through and some sterling and US dollars, as well as a pearl necklace, were stolen during a break-in last Thursday night. The break-in is thought to have occurred between 7.40pm and 10.30pm. The culprits entered through a rear window. They opened drawers and threw the contents on the floor during the burglary.
A woman residing at Marymount in Ferrybank disturbed some would-be burglars last Wednesday evening. The woman heard a knock at around 7.30pm but was slow to answer. When she turned the hall light on, she could see someone attempting to gain entry. She saw a person run away and climb into a waiting car, which sped off
Another house at Marymount was broken into on the same night, between 9pm and 10pm. Entry was gained to the house by smashing a window in the front door The house was gone through but nothing seems to be missing. Gardaí say two males were seen acting suspiciously around the house earlier.
A house at Clarke Road on the Cork Road was also broken into on Wednesday, between 3.30pm and 7pm. The door was forced open with a crow bar. And between 9.30pm and 10.30pm on the same night a black and green Muddyfox Flair bike was taken from outside a restaurant on the Cork Road.
Keys to a black Skoda Octavia were taken during a break-in at Woodlawn Grove on the Cork Road, between 6pm and 11.20 on Wednesday. The car was later found in a lay-by at Couse on the Outer Ring Road.
A 35-year-old South Kilkenny woman targeted schools in Waterford city in a series of burglaries to get money to feed her drug addiction, the District Court heard in Waterford last week.
Aoife Walsh with an address at Number 17, St Patrick’s Square, Wellington Street, Waterford, was sentenced to a total of 18 months in prison when she pleaded guilty to the burglaries and thefts between October 2014 and December 2015.
Describing the incidents, Inspector Anthony Dineen said the woman entered class rooms at the Gael Scoil in Ballygunner and stole €98 from two handbags the property of the school teachers. In St. Martin’s School on Ballytruckle, she was spotted on CCTV stealing a purse valued €20 which contained €170. The cash was not recovered.
At De La Salle Secondary School she searched class rooms but left empty handed. Later she was seen rummaging through handbags at the Mercy Convent National School at Military Road. A sum of €130 was stolen from staff members at Hegarty Solrs., Newtown, and a female occupant of a house in Ballinakill Close came across her going through a handbag. Entry to the house was gained by the unsecured front door and she fled the scene.
The defendant was next seen on CCTV stealing a wallet containing €820 from an unattended car in Jail Street at the rear of the Garda Station. She also stole a wallet and €200 in cash from the “Mum & Me” shop on the Old Tramore Road, when she accessed the premises through a rear door.
In another incident she entered the restaurant area of the Fitzwilton Hotel in Bridge St and opened the till and removed €90. A stolen mobile phone was also found in her possession.
An issue arose over money due to her when she was released in the Garda Station and she started shouting abuse and was directed to leave. The Gardaí had no choice but to arrest her, said Inspector Dineen.
Solicitor Hilary Delahunty, defending, said his client made admissions to the Gardaí and pleaded guilty to the charges at the first opportunity. She had never seen the inside of a prison in her life but two weeks ago she was remanded in custody and it had a very chastening effect on her.
As a teenager she started taking drugs and at the age of 19 years she moved on to heroin. During her 20s, she was quite able to manage her addiction but she “fell off the cliff” in her thirties. At that stage she realised she could not continue living like this and it was time to find a solution to her drug problem.
Mr Delahunty said she went into the Cuan Mhurie Centre for treatment. She came from a good family and her siblings went on to third level education. For some reason she adopted this unusual and unpleasant form of modus operandi and targeted schools.
A quick thinking Waterford girl took a photo of a man who she claimed sexually assaulted her as she left her car in a city centre car park, the District Court was told last week.
The incident was outlined to Judge Kevin Staunton who decided to accept jurisdiction of the case.
Inspector Anthony Dineen said the girl noticed the man hanging around after she parked her car at the Thomas’s Hill Car Park.
As she walked away the man “grabbed her by the backside” and then ran off. But before the left the girl took a picture of her attacker and reported the incident to Waterford Gardaí. The photo eventually led to his identification and arrest.
Adjourning the case, the Judge imposed reporting restrictions and said nothing should be published that would identify the parties involved.