Taoiseach Enda Kenny is adamant that he is ‘equally behind’ both of Waterford’s outgoing Fine Gael TDs ahead of Friday’s general election.
Speaking on WLRfm’s ‘Deise AM’ during a whistle-stop visit to the city on Monday, Enda Kenny said he is “absolutely 100 per cent” equally behind both Paudie Coffey and John Deasy, describing both TDs as “a strong team…John Deasy is his own man and Paudie Coffey is his own man”.
The Taoiseach, who was in Waterford to promote Fine Gael’s plans to support job creation across the regions, is adamant that “there’s still a long way to go” before polling day.
“A lot can happen in the last eight minutes of a match after all…populism is one thing, responsibility of government is another.”