Eighty primary and secondary schools in Waterford city and county received a combined €9.5m in capital grants during 2009.

Deputy John Deasy was given the figures after asking the Minister for Education and Science for a breakdown. Minister Batt O’Keeffe outlined the amounts (which, as of November 26 last, were €6.29m at primary level and €2.88m post-primary), adding that further expenditure “will depend on progress on projects and the submission of the necessary certification to my Department in order to enable payment.”

An estimated expenditure on individual major building projects, either under construction or approved to proceed to tender and construction, is taken into account at start of year by the Department.

“There were no major projects in construction in Waterford at the start of 2009,” he confirmed. However, for projects on the construction programme, prior to the placement of a construction contract, aggregate expenditure projection is estimated in accordance with the project cost plans and the expected dates of commencement on site.

“There are four such projects in County Waterford currently on the construction programme. All four projects are currently out to tender and the project costs will be confirmed when a tender report has been received for each,” the Minister added, saying “the exact position in respect of individual projects will only become clear at the end of the year.”

See the Munster Express for breakdown of schools and funding amount.