The Monaghan jinx struck once again in Gortakeegan on Friday night last. On what was a balmy evening in the North East, Waterford United were hoping to make it seven straight victories since the start of the league but it all went horribly wrong for the Blues against a Monaghan outfit who could only be described as average at best.
Waterford manager Stephen Henderson made three changes from the team which had defeated Limerick 2-1 the previous Friday, opting for a 4-5-1 formation. Chris Konopka came back into goal instead of Kevin Burns. Gary Dunphy, who was superb against Limerick, was on the bench. John Hayes came in and played beside Kevin Murray in the centre of defence. Gareth Cambridge was selected ahead of Timmy Purcell. Willie John Kiely, who usually plays up front with Vinny Sullivan, was used out on the left flank. Gareth Cambridge took up his role on the right with Liam Kearney selected to play in the middle of the park. Seamus Long filled ‘the hole’ in front of the back four, the position usually held by Gary Dunphy.
It was clear from early on that this line-up was not going to work and when the home side went in front after only five minutes the league leaders were in deep trouble, though Waterford did enjoy plenty of possession after the opening goal.
See The Munster Express newspaper for full match report.