Justine Dwyer

 Pat and Mary O’Reilly, Noel, John and Sinead O’Neill, Suzanne and Stan Furlong, Olive and Stephen Quilty. Photos: Noel Browne.

There was music, sunshine and lots of smiling faces in Tramore last Sunday for the official opening of Tramore’s Upper Main Street which underwent a major face lift in recent months as part of the town’s public realm works.

The rain thankfully held off until the celebrations came to an end and the street was full of enthusiastic locals thrilled to have the centre of town open again. The project, which began in January 2020, with an initial timeline of one year, was delayed due to Covid and changes to work practices.

It is expected that the enhancement of the public realm spaces in and around the town centre will breathe new life into Tramore and help regenerate the heart of the town, by making it safer, more attractive and welcoming for locals and visitors alike.

The shared pedestrianised area has been designed to facilitate seating outside food and beverage outlets and to capitalise on the outstanding views of Tramore Bay and the Back Strand.

The Mayor of Waterford City & County Council, Cllr.Joe Kelly pictured with Marion O’Connor and Declan Power.

Speaking to the Munster Express, Fine Fail Councillor Eamon Quinlan welcomed the newly reopened streets and said it was a great day for Tramore. “Long in its arrival but the real beneficiaries will be the people of Tramore and local businesses.”

For years now, he said, the town has needed a central area for people to meet and socialise. “It is only right it should be at the heart of the traditional town centre. The outpouring of support of locals towards businesses in the area today is a proud testament to the resilient spirit of the town.”

“We are already seeing new businesses springing up in the area to take advantage of the public realm. Older businesses will hopefully benefit the most as they are the ones who stuck with us all the way. Hopefully this will be the start of continued investment in the town to everyone’s benefit,” he concluded.

The Mayor of Waterford City & County Council, Cllr.Joe Kelly pictured with Rhea and Mark Kennedy.