Ardscoil na Mara, Tramore.

Ardscoil na Mara, Tramore.

ADDING extra capacity to Tramore’s Ardscoil na Mara is being explored in light of recent fears involving feeder schools in the locality.
As recently reported in The Munster Express, around 200 concerned parents attended a meeting in Fenor last month over fears in relation to the school’s ‘feeder’ status.
Fenor National School has traditionally served as a feeder school for Ardscoil na Mara (an amalgamation of CBS Tramore and Stella Maris Secondary School).
However, there are growing concerns over “re-categorisation” which could mean that students at the primary school, along with a number of other primary schools in the area, will no longer be guaranteed a place at the nearby secondary school.
A meeting recently took place between the Department of Education and Ardscoil na Mara about the issue.
The Munster Express understands that the possibility of adding extra capacity to Ardscoil na Mara is currently being explored.
Another meeting between the school and the Department is due to take place shortly.
Meanwhile, a meeting between Fenor NS and the Department is also planned according to Principal of Fenor NS Tim O’Byrne.
Mr O’Byrne said he hoped to update parents on the situation next week.
He said the issue was still causing concern in the area and he is being contacted by parents on an ongoing basis.
It’s believed the upcoming meetings with the Department may be subject to delay due to the general election.
Many parents are calling for the provision of additional capacity at Ardscoil na Mara in order to cater for demand.
They believe that extra space is required in order to cater for the large catchment area which the school serves.
Posters are on display in the locality calling on canvassing politicians to address the issue as a matter of urgency.