The title of the Waterford Dramatic Society Spring 2008 offering in the Granary at Waterford Treasures, Dishonest To Goodness, just about summed up my feelings in the best possible taste. Dishonest perhaps, to call the two pieces presented dramatic, yet the goodness shone out in the fun and quality of the actors.

I accept the sub-heading on a not particularly informative programme was – An evening of light entertainment – and I did enjoy myself in a frappuccino or cappuccino sort of way.

The opening offering, Three Card Trick by Stephen Andrews, was an actors fun with cliches about dating. Hart to posit the era but the setting of a three panel rattan divider suggested a sixties television play.

Jenny Clooney was in fine form as Jane, a Graphic Designer who wondered what all the fuss was about in the dating game. Her mother, played by Ann Johnson, with a twinkle in her eye, gave her some tried and trusted advice, so Jane went to a dating agency, the ill-fated Icarus Introductions and in quick cameo time we got Brid Power as Vivyan, a jargon spouting facilitator. Then there was Richard Clare as a timid businessman who kept saying, Wow! Nice performance. Tobie Hickey was a howl as the initials spouting PR man who was in love with himself. Hos ver-the-top antics were a tonic. Gavin Hallahan was a more cliched feet-firmly-on-the-ground guy and the piece ended on a nod, nudge and a wink to lesbianism.

The second piece I had seen in Lismore last year and it was fun to see Denise Quinn strut her stuff in her own script in Sharon, Lady Sarah, Lorena and I. A banana, two mandarins and a cheese knife did rather give the game away.

The audience enjoyed themselves and I went to Walkers for cod, consolation and chips.