Waterford United captain Kenny Browne was unable to contain his happiness when he spoke after the game. “The character in this squad is unreal, it really is. To go a goal down inside the first minute and then to come back so strongly and so quickly says everything about this team. We have a small squad at the moment but every one of them give everything in training and in the games.

“We played very well against Shamrock Rovers ut at times we played even better tonight. I have been here at the club for five or six years and I can honestly say I have never seen such spirit in any team as we have right now under the gaffer. We have had a rough couple of weeks, playing one game after another, both in the cups and the league but we have come through all of them brilliantly and hopaefully the soccer public will now get behind us as we make a push to win this league.

“We will take one game at a time, starting with our game against Wexford but right now this is a great time to be a Waterford United player,” Kenny concluded.

Stephen Henderson was equally upbeat about what has unfolded to date this season. “I think Kenny has said everything I wanted to say. Every one of the players we have here are brilliant guys who have pride in that blue shirt. I said it after the Shamrock Rover game and I will say it again. This side deserves a lot more credit from the Waterford people than they are getting at the moment. Their work rate in unbelievable and they just don’t know when they are beaten.

“Of course it is great to be top of the league but we are not getting carried away. We will not lose the run of ourselves because that is not in the nature of any of the players in that dressing-room right now. We have a week now to prepare for the Wexford game and that is great because over the past month it has been one game after another in quickfire fashion,” concluded a manager who has over a short period of time has put the pride and passion back into League of Ireland football in this city and county.