Gaultier's Conor Langton trying to shake off Rathgormack's John Kirwan.

Gaultier's Conor Langton trying to shake off Rathgormack's John Kirwan.

Rathgormack 2-11 ;Gaultier 2-10

Rathgormack won the Eastern Junior ‘A’ Football Championship for the third year running after a hard fought victory over Gaultier in Dunhill last Saturday afternoon.

A devastating 10-minute spell in which they scored 2-2 that was the key to Rathgormack’s victory and while Gaultier hit two goals of their own, the Comeragh men did enough to progress to the county final.

The sides were very evenly matched in the opening period of what was a very entertaining game.

Gaultier started with Waterford senior hurler Wayne Hutchinson at midfield and he proceeded to have a massive influence on the game.