I doubt that too many people are going to miss the year 2010 – at least not from a financial perspective.

Yet we’ve all come away from it with an important, life-changing revelation: that no matter who or what you are – like a bank, or even a country – wealth and financial security doesn’t come from borrowing and spending.

It comes from hard work, saving and investing.

Next week I’m going to look at the key personal finance actions that you should consider to get through what will still be a very gruelling 2011 for many people.

These will include some very practical steps you, your family and your close friends can and should take to make sure that no-one you know falls through the financial cracks.

Until then, these post Christmas days can be used to reflect on how we can benefit from what has happened, and maybe even take away a few ideas that will re-energise our own finances and those of our communities.