Jordan Norris

A local man has issued a renewed appeal for information on his sister’s 50th birthday, which occurs today March 23rd.

Imelda Keenan disappeared when she was just 22 years old on January 3rd 1994, having been last seen when she left her home on William Street. On the eve of her 50th birthday, her brother Gerry spoke with the Munster Express and pleaded with anyone who has any potential information to please come forward.

“I never thought when Imelda first when missing all those years ago that I’d be sitting here on her 50th birthday still looking for answers. It’s beyond comprehension. Someone out there has got to know what happened. There are people in Waterford who may be holding back vital information. Back in 1994, when Imelda disappeared, it was more commonplace for people to go missing. It wasn’t a high profile case. I always thought that we’d make some sort of breakthrough in the weeks and months later – but here we are on her 50th birthday, we don’t know any more now.”

Gerry told the Munster Express that in the aftermath of his sister’s disappearance, he believes that his family were misled with streams of false information regarding potential sightings of Imelda.

“People said they saw her on the bus to Cork and on the train to Dublin. All of these were referred to Gardai in Waterford. Imelda was a young girl with dark hair – it could have been anyone. The fallout on her disappearance has been huge. It’s certainly taken a toll on all of our mental health.”

Gerry’s parents and two of his brothers have passed away without ever knowing what happened to their beloved Imelda. He remains determined to find the truth before he goes to his own eternal reward.

“People have been in a lockdown with this pandemic – and of course, that has been difficult for everybody. They haven’t been able to see the people that they love the most. My family have been in a lockdown with 27 years. The pain continues and it does not get easier. Someone out there knows what happened to Imelda and I am pleading with them to please come forward.”

Gerry concluded that the trauma of a loved one gone missing is something that he would not wish upon his worst enemy.

Anyone with any information is asked to please contact Waterford Garda Station at (051) 305 300.