Father of four Andrew Halligan (29), with an address at 46 Ardmore Park, Ballybeg, Waterford, was refused bail when he appeared in Waterford District Court, yesterday (Tuesday) charged with aggravated burglary at Meadow Bank, Waterford in the early hours of Monday morning last.
Judge Aengus McCarthy granted the accused man legal aid and remanded him in custody to Waterford District Court on Tuesday next for the directions of the Director of Public Prosecutions.
At the outset, Inspector Tony Lonergan applied to have the bail hearing held in-camera. However this was refused by Judge Mccarthy, who said all criminal matters had to be held in public. He also issued a warning to the press regarding the reporting of the bail application.
The court heard that Waterford Gardai arrested the accused man at a house in Crystal Mews and he made no reply when charged. At the time of the alleged offence he was on bail in respect of a charge of possession of drugs for sale and supply, possession of offensive weapons – a machete and a retractable baton.