Damien Tiernan of WLRFM invited Barbara Bent, Treasurer of Waterford SPCA and Dr. Cyril Sullivan C.E.O. of the Irish Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, (ISPCA) on his Deise Today show this week.

Barbara and Cyril were on the show to announce the recent amalgamation of Waterford SPCA with the national ISPCA organisation.  The society’s name has been changed to ISPCA Waterford but its staff will continue to provide local animal welfare services as it has done since its inception 150 years ago.

Barbara clarified that all the current services and support for animal welfare in Waterford will continue as normal with ISPCA Waterford, under the management and stewardship of the national ISPCA charity.

S1 Pic: Barbara Bent, Tony Penkert, Alice Lacey, Cyril Sullivan (CEO, ISPCA), Linda Cheevers, Michele Quinlivan. Photo: Mick Wall

Under this new arrangement, it will be business as usual and ISPCA Waterford will continue to operate from its office in Summerland Square, Waterford City.  The society will continue to raise funds locally to provide animal welfare support in the locality.  This includes funding and operating an animal shelter in the county for rescue dogs. All the current staff will continue in their relentless work of responding to calls about animal suffering, cruelty and neglect in Waterford city and county and the South Tipperary area.

Barbara was delighted to announce the news of the amalgamation. She herself is retiring from the board after giving 50 years of volunteer service. Another long term volunteer, board member Sheelagh Browne had also made the decision to retire after 20 years of service. It was not possible to find volunteers to take on their responsibilities and the society members looked for new options to continue the service.  It was a happy day for all when Cyril got involved and offered that ISPCA could take over the management of the society.

Cyril told Damien that ISPCA Waterford will continue with all aspects of the society’s work in Waterford. He said that “everything continues and remains as is” and that all calls from the public to the office will be answered and acted upon. ISPCA Waterford will continue to provide all necessary back up for our local animal welfare inspector Alice Lacey and provide shelter for distressed and rescued animals. All current services including the rehoming program, neutering vouchers, feral cat neutering scheme, education and advocacy work will continue as before.

Cyril also confirmed that the board and management team of ISPCA is 100% committed to maintaining and developing animal welfare services in the Waterford area. The ISPCA as a national organisation will be able to bring extra expertise and additional resources to the area.  He praised the work and services that have been provided for so many years by Waterford SPCA and looks forward to working with people in Waterford in the future.

Cyril thanked the outgoing members of the Waterford board who will continue to provide voluntary back up to the new society and who will continue to fundraise to support the animals. He stressed the importance of the role of volunteers and fundraising in developing animal welfare services in the area.

Barbara welcomed the ISPCA on board in this new chapter of the Waterford society’s journey.  She noted that this new arrangement is a result of the positive relationship that has developed between ISPCA and the local society over the years. A key milestone occurred in 2015 when Waterford SPCA supported ISPCA in co-funding the appointment of a professional licensed animal inspector for the area.

Our local authorised Animal Welfare Inspector, Alice Lacey has provided consistent and courageous service over the last 7 years in rescuing animals from distress and suffering and in that time has been involved in numerous successful prosecutions for animal cruelty and neglect under the Animal Health and Welfare Act, 2013.

She has the same powers as the Gardaí in animal welfare matters and has the power to seize neglected and abused animals. The society will continue to support Alice’s work by providing transport and shelter and veterinary treatment for rescued animals and finding owners to adopt them.

In summary, the change from Waterford SPCA to ISPCA Waterford is only happening at governance and management level.  All current local animal welfare services will continue as normal.  All monies raised through local fundraising will continue to be used to support animal welfare in the locality.

We can still be contacted at our office in Summerland Square and the same staff are there to respond to all your concerns about all aspects of animal welfare so please keep the calls coming into the new ISPCA Waterford at 051-841432, the national helpline at 0818 515 515 or email us at: waterford@ispca.ie.

Michele Quinlivan


ISPCA Waterford Contact Details
ISPCA Waterford (Registered Charity Number 20008734)
Website: www.ispcawaterford.ie
Email: waterford@ispca.ie
Call: 051-841432
Animal Welfare Hotline: 0818 515 515
Address: ISPCA Waterford, Summerland Square, Waterford
ISPCA Waterford will continue to help rescue, rehabilitate and rehome, 
neglected and abused animals in Waterford and South Tipperary.
Please keep your calls coming in, we rely on local knowledge to alert 
us to all incidents of animal distress, cruelty or neglect.
Remember that your call can save an animal’s life and allow them to be 
rehomed and live the happy lives they deserve with responsible loving carers.
Thank you to the people of Waterford and South Tipperary for their ongoing 
support of the animals.