Jordan Norris

An ownership dispute which proved an obstacle to refurbishing the site of the former Yellow House Bar on the Cork Road has now been resolved, with Waterford City & County Council now keen to see the site moved on.

The status of the premises was queried by Labour Party Councillor Seamus Ryan at the May meeting of the Metropolitan District of Waterford City & County Council. Cllr. Ryan highlighted issues regarding the premises at the April meeting of the district and sought clarity on where proceedings with both the Yellow House and the former Waterford Crystal site are now at.

Labour Party Councillor Seamus Ryan

“At the last meeting, I asked about the Waterford Crystal site and the public house across the road, both have fallen in to complete disrepair. Can I have an update as to where both properties are at?”

Liam McGree, Senior Planner at Waterford City & County Council provided the update, and said that there is a planning permission in place for the development of the former Waterford Crystal site. He noted that an ownership dispute regarding the Yellow House has been resolved, and spoke of the Council’s desire to get proposals coming in for it’s development.

“We are in discussion with the owners in relation to the Waterford Crystal site and there is a planning permission in place for development of that site. We are keen to see that development proceed. The Yellow House site has proved a difficulty for a period of time. There was an ownership dispute between two entities in relation to it. I understand that that dispute has been recently resolved. There is now one confirmed owner of the property and we will be in contact with that individual in the next few days. We do need to see that site move on and we do need to see proposals coming in for it. It was held up to some extent by this ownership dispute but that has been resolved.”

The Yellow House site has been derelict for a number of years and has been raised at various meetings of Waterford City & County Council, with locals wanting to see something done with the site which has attracted littering and anti-social behaviour in the past.

The Yellow House, Waterford. Photo: Mick Wall

Former Councillor Cha O’Neill (Independent) described the pub as ‘a joke’ at a September 2018 meeting, and suggested someone should ‘get a bomb at it’.