With the Examiner appointed by the High Court on Wednesday now in situ, confident noises have been expressed regarding Aer Arann’s long-term commercial future.
Airline Chief Executive Paul Schütz has welcomed Justice Mary Finlay Geoghegan’s appointment of Michael McAteer, as he now begins the work of untangling Aer Arann’s current financial knot.
“As detailed in the court (on Wednesday) morning the current difficulties in Aer Arann stem from external factors that were beyond our control,” said Mr Schütz
“However we believe that we can build a robust business and develop the airline so that we can continue to provide vital regional air connectivity.”


And that sense of confidence has been bolstered by Mr McAteer’s declaration that no less than 14 parties have expressed an investment interest in the company.
Mr Schütz added: “In this regard the appointment of Mr McAteer, the interest of 14 potential investors and the aim to exit examinership within 50 days must be regarded as extremely positive as we work to develop our services and preserve as many jobs as possible in the airline and in the airports that we serve.”
Mr McAteer is to present a progress report to the Hugh Court on Monday, October 11th.