On Monday next, Waterford City Enterprise Board hosts a significant ‘microtrade’ visit of businesses from Northern Ireland.

This trade visit is expected to allow businesses to learn about each others’ marketplaces. Contacts will be made, products bought and sold and strategic partnerships made during a morning that will feature 60 pre-arranged business meetings, leading to an anticipated €1million worth of trade.

The meetings will be held at the Tower Hotel and will be followed by a networking lunch featuring businesses that have experienced working across the border.

The trade delegation will tour many of the major manufacturing and service organisations that have made their home in Waterford City followed by a guided tour of the WIT ArcLabs facility at Carriaganore.

Mayor of Waterford Jack Walsh will welcome the trade delegation in the large room in City Hall, hosting a celebration of Waterford’s entrepreneurial achievements, while discussing the opportunities that the future will bring.

Waterford City manager Michael Walsh will also outline the future development of Waterford City ‘towards 2014′.

Keynote speaker Minister Martin Cullen will outline developments on the national stage such as the ‘eastern corridor’ motorway running from Waterford to Belfast along with the importance of All Island Trade to the south east’s economy.

For more contact Waterford City Enterprise Board on 051-852883 or info@waterfordceb.ie