April proved a productive month for car dealerships in Waterford city, with traders reporting a 128 per cent rise in sales when set against the same month in 2009.
The statistics, released last week by the Society of the Irish Motor Industry (SIMI), revealed that 185 new cars wheeled out of city forecourts during April, compared to 81 in April’ 09.
The news was also positive in County Waterford, where sales rose by 110 per cent, with 105 additional 2010 plates added to our local roads (up from 55 sold in April ’09).
“The stigma of owning a 2010 plate, which was a strong public sentiment at the turn of the year, no longer applies,” according to Waterford Mazda dealer George Corbett.
“And the sales figures, not only for April but for the year to date, suggests that there are definite signs of recovery and increased consumer confidence in the economy, and that’s obviously welcome.”
Nationally, sales in April totalled 8,544, a 95.38 per cent increase on the corresponding month last year (4373), with the Government scrappage scheme an undoubted factor in the hike.
See The Munster Express newspaper for full story.