IMMEDIATE action has been sought to address a derelict pub in the Kilmeaden area.Cllr John O’Leary (FF) has been expressing concern at the condition of The Cosy Thatch for the past number of years.
The pub is located in a prominent position near the entrance to the Waterford Greenway and the Waterford & Suir Valley Railway.
Speaking at the March Comeragh District meeting of Waterford City & County Council, Cllr O’Leary sought information on the Council’s powers in relation to compelling the owner of a derelict premises to rectify its condition.

A pitiful sight: Kilmeaden's Cosy Thatch.

A pitiful sight: Kilmeaden's Cosy Thatch.

He described The Cosy Thatch as an “eyesore” and said its condition is unfair on all of the local people who are working hard to improve their area. “What powers do we have in relation to privately owned properties which enter that state?” he asked.In response, Senior Planner Jim O’Mahony outlined the powers of the Council under the Derelict Sites Act.
“At the start of the process, we will serve a notice on the owner of the property to carry out specific works to render the building non-derelict,” he explained.“They are given a certain length of time to carry out that work. If they do not carry out the work we have a choice of prosecution or putting them on the Derelict Sites Register. Once they are on register, they have to pay a levy every year which is three per cent of the value of the property. If that doesn’t work, we can go in and do the works ourselves to render the property non-derelict.” Mr O’Mahony said the Council can reclaim the cost of that work as a “simple contract debt” through the District Court. “There are options available to the Council,” he said. “But the last option we want is to have to go in and do the work ourselves.”