ComeraghsMtsThe South East didn’t perform as well as other regions during the boom and has the highest rate of unemployment in the country.

That was the harsh reality commented upon by South East Regional Authority (SERA) Chairman Tom Byrne when he addressed Waterford County Council last week.

In a presentation on the Draft Regional Planning Guidelines 2010-2022, Mr Byrne said that the development of Dungarvan and the provision of employment and retail services for its catchment area was of major importance.

Dungarvan has, said Mr Byrne, become a pivotal location on the ‘Atlantic Gateway Corridor’ between Waterford and Cork and required improved transport links and services.

Cllr Brendan Coffey (Fine Gael) said the south east had taken things lying down for far too long and it was now time to fight back.

See The Munster Express newspaper for full story.