Planning permission has been granted by Waterford Co Council to Hutchinson 3G Ireland Ltd. for two masts at Carranglass, Knockanore and at Eaglehill, Ballinamult, as part of the National Broadband Scheme.
Permission was also granted to Thomas Murphy to construct a 24.1m telecommunications structure at Carrondaverg, Dungarvan.
Lismore Hatchery Ltd was granted permission to erect a trout hatchery and environmental information centre on the Owenshad River at the site of a previous salmon hatchery in Lismore. The project envisages refurbishing the existing thatch-roof structure on the site and installation of a sewerage treatment unit, as well as associated site works, including parking facilities and visitor amenities.
Abbeyside Ballinacourty GAA Club has been given the go-ahead to erect six 20m-high lighting columns for floodlighting their main playing pitch area at Duckpool, Abbeyside.